Ryuki Matsuura
(松浦 瑠希, Рюки Мацуура)
Ph.D. Student, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
2024-Present: Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
2022-2024: M.A. in Engineering, Waseda University, Japan
2018-2019: Student Exchange Program, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
2017-2022: B.A. in Liberal Arts, Waseda University, Japan
My research interests lie in the effective assessment, feedback, and learning assistance of L2 speech utilizing AI/ML techniques. More specifically, I have conducted research of automated scoring systems for L2 oral fluency. My master’s dissertation study aimed to automatize effective recasts and explored linguistic factors in dialogic responses which affect interlocutor’s comprehensibility focusing on lexical error types and rhetorical roles of utterances. In my Ph.D. study, I intend to develop and validate Computerized Dynamic Assessment (C-DA) systems for L2 productive knowledge and skills. In addition, I am interested in expanding research methods in applied linguistic using state-of-the-art AI technologies. I developed a system to automatically annotate the full range of oral fluency features (i.e., syllables, disfluency words, and pause locations). I am open to collaborating with researchers worldwide by automatizing L2 data annotations and analyses.
Recent Publication
Matsuura, R., Suzuki, S., Takizawa, K., Saeki, M., & Matsuyama, Y. (2025). Gauging the Validity of Machine Learning-Based Temporal Feature Annotation to Measure Fluency in Speech Automatically. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmal.2024.100177
Matsuura, R. & Suzuki, S. (2023). Prompt-independent Automated Scoring of L2 Oral Fluency by Capturing Prompt Effects. Proc. of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36272-9_62
Matsuura, R., Suzuki, S., Saeki, M., Ogawa, T., & Matsuyama, Y. (2022). Refinement of Utterance Fluency Feature Extraction and Automated Scoring of L2 Oral Fluency with Dialogic Features. Proc. of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC). 1312-1320. doi: https://doi.org/10.23919/APSIPAASC55919.2022.9980148
April 2022 – March 2024: JPC Scholarship Foundation (JPC奨学財団).
- Amount awarded: JPY 720,000 (approx. USD 5,100).
April 2024 – March 2027: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doctoral Course (DC) Research Fellowship.
Amount awarded: JPY 7,200,000 (approx. USD 51,000).
I declined the fellowship because I started a Ph.D. program outside Japan.
August 2024 – May 2028 (expected): Dick Tucker SLA Fellowship.
- Amount awarded: (USD 2,500 per month).
Dynamic Speaking Assessment (Japan 2024-114919; 2024年7月18日)
Speaking Proficiency Assessment (Japan 2023-177296; 2023年10月14日)
- Email: rmatsuur[at]andrew.cmu.edu